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1. Química física / by Atkins, P.W. Publication: Barcelona España : Omega, 1999 . xvi, 1018 p. : 28 cm. Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Sede Aimogasta [544 At52q6 ] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 At52q6 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 At52q6 Ej.2] (1),
2. Tratado de química física / by Glasstone, Samuel. Publication: Madrid (España) : Aguilar, 1979 . xxiii, 1180 p. : 24 cm. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Arquitectura [544 G465 Ej.4] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 G465 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 G465 Ej.2] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 G465 Ej.3] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 G465 Ej.6] (1), Lost (1),
3. Journal of phisical and chemica referente data /   Publication: Estados Unidos : National institute of estandards and technology. 1992 , 1996 v.25 (4). Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central (1),
4. Química física / by Barrow, Gordon M. Publication: Barcelona : Reverté, 2002 . xxi, 490 p. : 21 cm. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Sede Villa Unión [544 B279q4] (1),
5. Tratado general de química física / by Diaz Peña, M. Publication: Madrid : Alhambra, 1979 . 6 v. : 25 cm. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [544 D543 v.1 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 D543 v.2 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 D543 v.3 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 D543 v.4 Ej.1] (1), Biblioteca Central [544 D543 v.6 Ej.1] (1),
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